


MBA for SMARTER KIDS promotes whole brain development by stimulating both sides of the brain using MidBrain Activation Program by way of activities and learning techniques conducted in a 2 Day Session Seminar/Workshop.

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MidBrain Activation is a technique for optimizing the natural function of the middle brain. It serves to transform the middle brain into a ‘neural bridge’ that facilitates the flow of information in a flawless manner between the left and right brain. The activated MidBrain facilitates the processing of recorded data that traverses the left and the right brain hemispheres resulting to increased creativity, enhanced memory, well-coordinated motor skills, self-confidence, and improved focus and concentration.

Our MBA for SMARTER Kids training workshop is a powerful two-day fun-filled learning activities that awakens the full potential of the whole brain of the participants. It also supports the development of multiple intelligences dormant in your growing child such as: Bodily Kinesthetics, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Logical Mathematical, Verbal Linguistics, Musical, Naturalistic, and Visual Spatial. The workshop culminates in the actual demonstration of a heightened sensory perception abilities by blindfolded participants.

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